If you have a trial period During your trial period, you can read and listen for a total of 30 hours. The hours are shared between all profiles. If you run out of hours, you can either activate your subscription directly on the website or wait until your subscription is activated automatically.
Activating your subscription To activate your subscription, you need to log in to My Pages on the website. When you activate your subscription, you will be charged the monthly price of the subscription you chose when you registered and started your trial period. Once you have finished, you can open the app again to read and listen.
Wait for your subscription to be activated automatically When your trial period expires, your subscription will be activated automatically. You will be charged the monthly price of the subscription you chose when you registered and started your trial. To see how many days you have to wait for your subscription to be automatically activated, go to My Pages on the website. If you do not want to be charged, you need to cancel your subscription before the end of your trial period.